Why store bought pants are bad for a girls self esteem, oh and I made some pants!

I present to you exhibits A and B…

(For the record I would never wear either pair with a plain ill fitting t-shirt tucked all the way in, I just wanted to be able to focus on the pants).  Exhibit A is a pair of pants I got at The Gap a couple of years ago, exhibit B is a pair of pants I just made for myself with my self drafted jeans pattern I did last year.  I was not trying to do a straight replica of the Gap pants, obviously they are more of a trouser cut while the ones I made are more of a jean cut.  I think that both pair of pants look good, actually as I look at them side by side I realize I need to find a way to make some perfect fitting trouser style pants because I do like the look of them.  However, I HATE the Gap pants and I LOVE the home made ones.  It is not just because I made them, but because they fit perfectly and are comfortable and still look good.  The Gap pants…..  well to put it bluntly they give me a major wedgie.  This is partly why they are, or were, bad for my self esteem.  You see when I bought these pants a couple of years ago I was 10 pounds heavier.  The pants fit over the hips and in the waist, but they were always riding up.  So whenever I wore them I was constantly thinking that I had a HUGE butt and needed to lose 10 pounds so my pants would fit.  So last year I lost 10 pounds and did my pants fit?  NO, now they are too lose in the waist and hips and they STILL give me the terribly uncomfortable wedgie.

See too big in the waist while being too small in the.... well you know where.

So the moral of the story is that if store bought clothing doesn’t fit perfectly don’t think there is something wrong with your body.  Every body is different and there is no way store bought clothing is going to fit every woman.  So if you don’t sew make sure you try on A LOT of clothing until you find what works for you.

So sewing continues to help my self esteem, in a really big way this time.  This is my second pair of pants and I love them but I am also kind of annoyed by them because now I don’t think I will ever buy pants again and buying is so much quicker than making.  I just remind myself that a well made well fitting pair of pants will last me years and is worth the time it takes to make them.  Oh and did I mention that since I got this fabric at a thrift store these pants cost me 2 dollars for all materials?  How much did your last pair of pants cost?

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7 Responses to Why store bought pants are bad for a girls self esteem, oh and I made some pants!

  1. Carrie says:

    The fact that store bought clothing doesn’t fit doesn’t make me think there’s something wrong with my body, it makes me think there is something wrong with my taste. Do women REALLY like jeans that smoosh their butts flat? Sorry but I think that looks terrible. Thanks for the link to that Weekend Designer site. I am currently in the process of putting together a jeans pattern that fits me and that site could be useful!

  2. Amy says:

    These are fantastic and super flattering. I love the higher rise on you. Usually low rise pants do that big waist gap on me, too and if I go small enough to fit the waist, I’m squeezing in the other places ;). I still love my bought pants, tho, and have found a few brands that fit me. My biggest issue is ginormous inseam lengths and I hem everything which is getting annoying; one of these days I’m sure I’ll get on a jean-sewing obsession!

  3. Sophia says:

    You’re preachin to the choir, girl! 🙂 I’m right there with you about buying pants. The funny thing is, Gap is one of the best places for me to buy pants because they fit the best out of any other store I’ve tried; however, many of the pants still need some type of altering.

    I really need to get off my caboose and make some pants. The beautiful fit in your photos is very inspiring!

  4. dixie says:

    I am in awe of you pant making genius! And thanks for the link to the jeans drafting site.

    I read an article on fashion incubator (found via another blog talking about fitting pants) that was interesting. For whatever reason – either a mistake or out of greed to get more pattern pieces from a width of fabric – jeans manufacturers have been shortening the crotch width within the last decade or so – aka never fitting in the booty region because the curve isn’t wide enough under the butt. I think that also explains the crotch wrinkles in front that are so prevalent now-a-days, too. Not wide enough in either direction.

  5. The pants you made look great! Though I think the other ones look good too, I see that difference and what an improvement! Another great example of why I need to learn to sew…

  6. Meigan says:

    What a great side-by-side comparison. The side view is the best though. The pants you made fit perfectly, I am truly inspired to start making pants (especially since buying them is such a pain!) Great job!

  7. CalandraC. says:

    Excellent example of what a great fit looks like. I’m inspired to revisit my pant wardrobe.

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